Sunday, December 11, 2011

Home Town Parade

Every year our town has a little home town Christmas Parade..
We bundle up and head down for a pancake breakfast from the local Kiwanas....

Then find a great place to sit back and have lots of fun

With Huge smiles on our faces!

We see fire trucks...

And golf carts....

And even silly women walking their golf bags!

We hang out with family....

And listen to the local high school marching band...

And see pretty horses...

And marching lawn mowers!!

There are people that honor our country...

And schools with awesome spirit!
(that is our school, and they won the spirit award!)

You can look across the way and see good friends...

While the people that protect us walk in front of us.

One of my favorites is always the local feed store...

They have these cute mini trucks....

That people drive around very silly like!!

Nathaniel can even see his best friend's sister (the one he has a HUGE crush on!)

and his buddies who play football.

There are funny bikes....

And new friends...

And simple, fun floats....

And adorable children!

We see funny bands called the "Krazy Kelptics"....

Who play tunes on dried kelp!

We even see our dear friends who give us candy...

And smiles!

There are little boy scouts...

And big boy scouts....

And even Santa!!

Do you have a hometown Christmas parade??

Do you make a habit to go see it??